Don MacLaren

Competitor, Car Owner

Don MacLaren drove his first race on his 15th birthday, driving a homebuilt super modified, a Willys Coupe with a Ford engine. Telling officials at the Norwood Arena he was 18 years old, MacLaren went out and won the first heat he ever drove.
From Canada to Florida, Don has won an estimated 500 races. His first big win came at Oswego, driving the Tewksbury Auto Parts “Flying 5”. Today, MacLaren says no one win, or one championship, stands out. “Each week was exciting as hell”, says the gentle giant affectionately known as Big Daddy. “Each feature win was exciting, each championship a battle. You took your car home, worked on it, slept with it, and worked on it some more. If you worked hard enough, you’d win.”

Dick Berggren remembers one classic NEMSRA season opener at Thompson. “Ollie (Silva) and Don (MacLaren) were racing side by side with three laps to go. Ollie was the classic hero, and, in the eyes of the crowd, MacLaren was the classic villain. Three laps they ran side by side, with neither driver giving an inch. They took the white flag, and both drove deep into the turn, with neither driver lifting. Big Daddy was on the inside, Ollie on the outside, and both drove in too deep. They never touched, but both cars spun at the same time, with Eddie West coming through to take the win.” Don grinned after hearing the story retold. “Ollie and I would start dead last every week, and battle our way through the pack. That’s what made it exciting. That’s what made it fun”, says Don.
Among his career accomplishments were 3 straight United Race Drivers Club (URDC) championships (1961-1963), while also winning 3 straight titles at both Pines Speedway and Hudson Speedway during that 3 year span. He won the Can-Am Classic in 1966 & 1968. He also won the Star Speedway Classic in 1968. At Thompson Speedway, he won six straight super modified races in 1971. He won 20 races on the NESMRA circuit and later on the ISMA series. His last big win was the 1976 Ice Breaker at Thompson.

Don was a fierce competitor on the track, but a gentleman once the race car was parked. Berggren remembers Ollie & Sue Silva’s wedding day. “Sue was so worried to learn that MacLaren was coming to the wedding. ‘What would he do?’, Sue wondered. Would there be a fist fight? Would he drive a car through the reception hall? What would happen? Well, Don showed up”. Dick continued. “He was a perfect gentleman.”
Don MacLaren passed away on January 12, 2011 of complications from diabetes.