Interviews with several NEAR Hall of Famers who have appeared on the Dale Jr. Download podcast with Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Dale Jr. Download: Bentley Warren – American Badass

Geoff Bodine Survives Horrific Daytona Wreck

Geoff Bodine Saved Hendrick Motorsports

Dale Earnhardt Confronted Mike Joy and How To Announce Hard Moments | The Dale Jr. Download

Mike Joy Dives Into the Art of Commentating | The Dale Jr. Download

Mike Joy Shares His Last Conversation with Dale Earnhardt Sr. | The Dale Jr. Download

Dale Jr. Download: Dick Berggren's Broadcasting Tricks

Dale Jr. Download: Dick Berggren – Racer?

Interviews with several NEAR Hall of Famers who have appeared on the Derek Pernisiglio Show.

The Derek Pernesiglio Show – Randy Lajoie

Derek Pernesiglio Show – Reggie Ruggiero S1E1

Lessons from Richie Evans – Brett Bodine the Derek Pernesiglio Show

Interviews with several NEAR Hall of Famers during the 2003 Nostalgia Weekend event at the Waterford Speedbowl.

NEAR Hall of Famer Interviews | 2003 | Bill Greco

NEAR Hall of Famer Interviews | 2003 | Bill Slater

NEAR Hall of Famer Interviews | 2003 | Bill Wimble

NEAR Hall of Famer Interviews | 2003 | Bugsy Stevens

NEAR Hall of Famer Interviews | 2003 | Denny Zimmerman

NEAR Hall of Famer Interviews | 2003 | Dick Watson

NEAR Hall of Famer Interviews | 2003 | Ed Flemke Jr

NEAR Hall of Famer Interviews | 2003 | Leo Cleary

NEAR Hall of Famer Interview | 2003 | Pete Hamilton

NEAR Hall of Famer Interview | 2003 | Ray Miller

NEAR Hall of Famer Interview | 2003 | Rene Charland

NEAR Hall of Famer Interview | 2003 | Ron Narducci