NEAR votes in Officers at annual meeting.
The New England Auto Racers (NEAR) held its annual membership meeting at the Dante Club in West
Springfield Ma, voting in the 2024 Board of Directors and Officers, along with other club business.
New England Auto Racers was formed and incorporated in January 1981. Over the past forty plus years the following superstars have led this extraordinary club: Buddy Krebs, Charlie Stebbins, John Georgiades, Al Fini, Pete Newsham, Doug Farrow, Bob Seller, Val LeSieur, Paul Masse, and Rich Goucher, making it one of a few clubs of this kind that has outlived its life expectancy, and shows no signs of slowing down.

The purpose of the corporation is to encourage the restoration of Auto race cars, display same at racetracks & sporting events, honor outstanding people in the field of automobile racing and develop & foster knowledge of the history of automobile racing in New England among interested individuals and groups as well as the public. Club functions have included exhibitions at race tracks and auto shows, and the annual Hall of Fame ceremonies where over the past 25 years over 250 people of racing significance have been inducted.
2024 will see the same leadership team in place, and the Board of Directors and club are very enthusiastic
about what lies ahead with this team at the helm. The slate of officers was voted in by show of hands and
once again each vote was a “landslide”.
Serving for her second term will be Janeen Wernecke as Treasurer. Janeen is a pharmacist of over 20 years, and is an active member of NEAR, attending the car events at tracks in the area with her partner Jeremy Huntoon who drives one of the Butch Elms and Sting Vintage Race Cars, and she has been instrumental in assisting with the Hall of Fame ceremonies for the past 3 years.
Serving for her third term will be Diane Ingerson as Secretary Diane is an Inventory Control Specialist of over 25 years. She is an active member of NEAR, and heavily involved in Auto race car restoration with her
husband Scotti Ingerson, Sting Vintage Race Cars. She has also been instrumental in assisting with the Hall of Fame ceremonies for the past 3 years.
Serving for his second term will be Rich Goucher as Vice President, Rich has been a Fourslide Setup/Tool
Repair at Century Spring for over 20 years. Goucher is also the Director of Competition and his dedication to both the club and the car guys and gals has been instrumental in keeping the club and the shows alive and growing each year. In 2023 our guys and gals collectively made 186 appearances at events across New England.
Serving for her second term will be April May Preston-Elms as President, she is retired from the Federal
Government having worked for 30 years as the Chief of Administration and Business Services, managing 5
National Park units in 4 different states. She is a former Vice President of David’s House a nonprofit in NH and President of a local Toast Masters Chapter in NH. She is co-owner/promoter of Bear Ridge Speedway with her husband CV Butch Elms. In 2020 she received the Northeast DIRTcar Outstanding Woman in Racing award.
April May is an active member of NEAR, attending the car events at tracks in area with her husband Butch
Elms and Sting Vintage Race Cars, racing vintage race cars. She has been heavily involved with the Hall of
Fame ceremonies for the past four years. During her acceptance speech April May conveyed “I continue to remain humbled to be able to serve as president of this remarkable organization, I hope that I have lived up to everyone’s expectations, and I look forward to as many years as you will have me in this capacity. I truly feel Our legacy is why we are here. The present is our responsibility to preserve that legacy while at the same time working to keep our future relevant, and I will do whatever I can to help preserve this.”
Don’t forget nominations are now being accepted for the 26th Hall of Fame induction ceremony to be held once again at the Log Cabin Delaney House in Holyoke Ma on Sunday November 3rd. We are currently accepting nominations for this prestigious honor and look forward to another exemplary pool of applications for consideration to become one of the eight individuals honored and added to the prestigious NEAR HoF roster. The 2024 nomination form can be found on our website
Nominations can be mailed to NEAR, HoF Nominations P.O. Box 492 Bradford VT 05033.
The 2024 live events schedule has been set and will be posted on our social media.