Billy Harman


At age 21, Billy Harman began racing a modified #312 Ford at Waterford Speedbowl, New London, CT. He won a feature in his first year, as well as taking down Rookie of the Year honors. He continued at the Speedbowl for the next 7 years, recording many wins and holding four different track records, including the fastest 10 lap heat, 25 lap feature, 50 lap feature, and non-stop 100 lap feature. He was the original driver of the iconic L&M coupe for owners Stanley Lascowski & Stan ‘Stosh’ Miezejeski.
By the mid-1960’s, Bill began to travel more throughout the northeast, including the circuit of NASCAR tracks. In 1971, driving the #55 for Ted Marsh, Billy finished 6th in the NASCAR’s National Modified Championship. He earned the 1973 Modified Championship at Thompson Speedway.

He has raced as far west as Ohio, competing at 54 tracks, and winning at 14 different speedways. From the Race of Champions in Trenton Speedway & Pocono Raceway to the Oxford 250 in Maine, Harman has thrived on the ‘big’ races. He also competed in the 1st Thompson 500 ever run, running 2nd to Fred DeSarro in Ted Marsh’s 55 with only 10 laps to go before running blowing a motor.
He has been awarded the NASCAR Award of Professionalism by Jack Arute. Billy takes pride in the fact that, “I took my racing very seriously, and worked hard at it. There were 2 or 3 years there when I ran over 100 shows a year. People called Pete Fiandaca ‘“’The Travelin’ Man’. Well, Pete called me ‘The Travelin’ Man’”.