George Barber

Car Owner, Track Owner
Veterans Committee Selection

George Barber began building race cars immediately after World War II, scoring his first championship at Stafford Springs, CT in 1953. His first driver was Stub Piper, before pairing up with Pappy Forsyth for a long run of success throughout northern New England.
His cream-colored coupes bore the name of Bradford Auto Supply, his business out of Bradford, VT. He later built a team car (#47) that Lee Ingerson would drive. Larry Granger and Ray Coffin also piloted Barber’s coupes.
Barber’s cars dominated northern New England, specifically Vermont’s Thunder Road Speedbowl in the early 1960s. However, when NASCAR rules became more prevalent in the area, the flat-head era that Barber was so successful began to be phased out.
In hopes to create a home for flat-head racers, Barber built Bear Ridge Speedway in Bradford, VT and operated in from 1968 to1973. He then sold it to the Elms family.